I would be happy to speak at your conference, event, or company. Please contact me by clicking below.

There is no such thing as a sensible default in tools UX

Often times companies try to find the one ultimate default that will please the most users. When it comes to complex tool environments with intertwined workflows, this is usually a fool's errand. In this talk I go over why that is the case, and how to find what's best for your users.

A full process talk of finding a issue, the research and development to get to a solution, and the end result. In this case it’s all about a simple thing: The translation gizmo, and how its daily use made one issue continue to crop up, so I worked to find a solution for it.

Finding & Exploiting UX details in Game Development tools

A talk about comparing the toolsets between Unity, Unreal, 3dsMax, the Skyrim Creation Kit, and Source. How do they place geometry? How does camera navigation work? How well can you search for assets, and view your lighting results? The many editors can learn a lot from each other.

Keeping Level Designers in the Zone Through Level Editor Design

A talk about how to gather feature requests, and the many different ways to prioritize them. There will never be one single surefire way of gather feedback, organizing it, and prioritizing it. What we can learn though, is the many different ways that exist, and see what fits your studio, culture, and situation.

Improving Tool Design Through Editor Triage

Game development tools, for everyone

A talk about game development tools, the progress they have made, the barriers they have overcome, and the barriers that we can still to overcome in the future. Especially in the case of literal accessibility.